Infant Sleeper Products Linked to Dozens of Deaths

Photo credit: Consumer Reports
Although infant sleepers are popular products that are regularly purchased by new parents, a Consumer Reports (CR) investigation has revealed that these products are associated with dozens of infant deaths. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently revealed that certain types of sleepers were linked to at least 73 infant deaths, including non-rocking inclined products, in-bed sleepers, and hammock products that have now been recalled.
While new parents may be drawn to the idea of in-bed infant sleepers, many pediatricians advise against their use. Roy Benaroch, a professor of pediatrics at Emory University in Atlanta, stated that “padding is a suffocation risk” in a recent report with CR.
According to medical professionals, this is especially true for inclined infant sleepers, and sleepers that are intended for use within an adult bed. This is because the mobile nature of sleeper products can cause an infant to shift onto their stomachs during the night. “An infant’s mouth can get pressed up against the soft surface . . . You don’t want the baby rebreathing their own carbon dioxide, because the baby could asphyxiate,” added Benaroch.
Recently, the CPSC commissioned a study on the safety of infant sleepers in response to the rising number of deaths. Researchers found that “none of the inclined sleep products that were tested and evaluated as part of this study are safe for infant sleep.” As a result, the CPSC proposed regulations that would effectively ban all inclined infant sleeper products. However, these regulations have yet to be carried out.
Pediatricians recommend only using products that have been regulated by safety standards from the federal government. These products include cribs, bassinets, play yards, and bedside sleepers. Pediatricians also urge parents to use a firm, flat mattress, place their infants on their backs, and to refrain from putting any blankets or pillows in the sleeping area.
Contact a New York Defective Product Lawyer Now
If your child died due to a defective or dangerous infant sleeper, you are undoubtedly devastated, in grief, and in search of answers. Why did this happen? Who was responsible for preventing this unnecessary and tragic death? The New York defective products lawyers of Hach & Rose, LLP know that nothing can undo the pain and suffering your family has endured, nor can any action bring your child back. We do know that the manufacturer must be held responsible for their negligence, and we’ll be ready to fight for the answers, compensation, and justice that your family is owed.
Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our understanding product defect lawyers at Hach & Rose, LLP to discuss your rights and legal options. We’re here to support you, so call us at (212) 779-0057 or reach out to us online.
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