
Showing posts from February, 2020

FDA Issues Jimmy Johns Warning Letter, FINALLY!

How many licks does it take to get to the chocolaty center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop?  Evidently fewer than the number of outbreaks linked to the fast food sandwich chain – Jimmy John’s.  The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finally issued a Warning Letter last week to the sandwich franchise on that subject. Here’s all the scoop on the Jimmy Johns Warning Letter: What’s a Warning Letter and Is It a Big Deal? The FDA doesn’t issue warning letters all willy nilly.  They have pretty important things to do.  They do inspections, ensure compliance, etc.  When it gets to the point of Warning Letter, you can bet there is some big issues to warrant that level of government paperwork.  Jimmy John’s has finally reached that threshold.  That threshold seems to be 5 outbreaks in 7 years and going back on their promises with regard to sprout suppliers. Warning Letter Cites 5 Outbreaks Linked to Clover Sprouts and Cucumbers in Jimmy John’s Restaurants! The latest outbrea

Jimmy Johns Sprouts Outbreak, Ecoli O103 This Time

Jimmy John’s sprout lovers everywhere take heed – there is yet another outbreak linked to sprouts. This time, Ecoli O103 is our bacterial culprit. The CDC posted on its website that 14 people reportedly got sick between Jan. 6 through Feb. 11 after eating sprouts from Jimmy John’s restaurants in Texas, Utah, Missouri, Illinois and Iowa. Thankfully, the CDC has not reported any hospitalizations or deaths in this latest Jimmy Johns Sprouts Outbreak. CDC Investigation Current epidemiologic evidence points to raw sprouts from Jimmy John’s as the outbreak source.  Patients with the same strain of Ecoli O103 were interviewed and questioned about their dining habits over that past few weeks to help identify what they may have in common. This was when they found that sprouts topping Jimmy John’s subs were to blame. The 14 people who are sick come from 5 states: The CDC is continuing traceback investigations to identify more information about the source so that a recall can be possible i

Food Poisoning Laclede Jimmy Johns ?

Multiple reports of possible food poisoning from the Laclede Jimmy Johns led to the restaurant’s temporary closure during the weekend of January 25 th .  According to The University News , at least 15 St. Louis University students reported food poisoning and two students have been hospitalized after eating food from the Laclede Jimmy Johns.  The Jimmy Johns is located at 3822 Laclede Avenue across from St. Louis University’s Vandeventer soccer fields.  Jack Johnston of The University News broke the story. Reports of Laclede Jimmy Johns Food Poisoning Multiple SLU students reported having food poisoning after eating food from the Laclede Jimmy Johns.  On January 18 th , Jimmy Johns catered a campus retreat for an SLU student organization.  15 students who attended the event later reported getting ill after eating food from the Laclede Jimmy Johns. At least 2 SLU students were hospitalized.  Baker Mitchell was hospitalized after “From 7 p.m. on Sunday until about 11:30 p.m. on Sunday

What Every Woman Needs To Know About the Mirena Crash

Almost 4.5 million women in the U.S. use an intrauterine device or IUD as their preferred method of birth control. Its popularity is second only to birth control pills. Mirena , the most prescribed IUD in New York and throughout the country, may cause side effects referred to as the Mirena Crash. Types of IUDs  An IUD is a device a doctor places in a patient’s uterus that is held in place by the cervix. The plastic, T-shaped device prevents a woman from becoming pregnant. There are two types of IUDs: non-hormonal and hormonal. A non-hormonal IUD has a copper coating that kills sperm before it reaches and fertilizes an egg. Non-hormonal IUDs may remain in place for as long as 10 years before being replaced. Mirena is a brand of IUD containing a hormone instead of copper. Hormonal IUDs work by releasing progesterone into the body of the user. Mirena uses a synthetic form of progesterone. The hormone causes mucus in the cervix to thicken while causing thinning of the lining of

Child Burn Injuries: What You Need to Know

Burn injuries are among the most physically excruciating kinds of injuries for people to endure. Most burn injuries are classified into one of three degrees: First-Degree Burns — Superficial burns damaging only the epidermis or the outermost layer of skin. Sunburn is the most common example of a first-degree burn, and these involve mild pain but heal on their own in a few days. Second-Degree Burns — Superficial partial-thickness burns damaging both the epidermis and the dermis, the layer of skin below the epidermis. Some second-degree burns cause blisters and scarring, and skin grafting is possible in some cases. Recovery can be several weeks. Third-Degree Burns — Deep partial-thickness burns damaging sweat glands and underlying tissues. Third-degree burns always require skin grafting, and some can also involve surgery. Additional less common degrees of burn injuries include: Fourth-Degree Burns — extend into the fat Fifth-Degree Burns — extend into the muscle Sixth-

Financial abuse of the elderly in nursing homes

Though most cases of financial abuse of the elderly occur within the family, sometimes a nursing home caretaker will attempt to exploit a resident. Elderly people are easily taken advantage of financially because they often do not understand how to handle their finances, especially if they suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s. Many older people who are very sick or dying simply do not prioritize their financial health over their physical health, and might not notice suspicious withdrawals or forged checks. Understanding the nature of financial abuse, the warning signs, and the consequences can better equip you to fight against it. This article will outline what you need to know about this type of elder abuse. Nursing home caretakers often forge close relationships with their residents, but sometimes this closeness is only an avenue to exploitation. The elderly people who are most at risk of being taken advantage of are often: Lonely or isolated Grieving the recent loss of a loved o

Broken bones in nursing homes

As people get older, their bones naturally become more brittle, especially in those who suffer from osteoporosis. Additionally, older people gradually lose muscle mass, which negatively affects their balance and mobility. These two factors make the elderly more susceptible to falls and more at risk of breaking bones. Broken bones can usually be avoided in nursing homes if the caretakers are properly trained and acting with care. But too often, caretakers or facilities fail to adequately evaluate residents for the risk of falling when they enter the facility, or they may fail to provide the correct support or assistance the resident needs. The most common types of broken bones in the elderly are hip, thigh, pelvis, back or vertebrae, arm, hand, ankle or leg fractures. Any one of these injuries could be debilitating or greatly affect a person’s ability to move independently. A broken hip is the most common injury after a fall, so if your loved one suffers from any other type of broken

Internal organ damage caused by construction accidents

Members of construction crews put themselves at risk every day that they enter the job site. Their workplace is littered with hazardous materials and heavy machinery, and they often work from great heights on exposed roofs. Though they are at risk for many injuries, damage to their internal organs may be one of the most severe because it often leads to death. Some of the most vital organs in the body are the heart, brain, liver, kidneys, and lungs. If one of these organs suffers trauma, such as from a fall or a high-speed impact with a piece of machinery, the damage might be irreparable. The two types of trauma are blunt force and penetrating trauma. A blunt force injury might be caused by falling off a roof or being accidentally struck by a piece of heavy machinery. Penetrating trauma occurs when something pierces the skin and the organ, such as a piece of glass or a beam. The most common types of internal organ damage are: Broken ribs that could puncture other organs Abdominal a

Roof and ceiling collapses on construction sites

With an increased number of structures being built in New York every day comes an increase in workers’ injuries. One common accident that can cause a slew of injuries is the collapse of a roof or ceiling that the crew is working on. A worker could fall from a great height off of the building or through the ceiling, causing them injury or even death. How do roof and ceiling collapses happen? These types of accidents are usually the result of poor crew management, inadequate safety precautions, poor training, or rushing the job to get in done by the deadline and within the budget. For example, if a ceiling was installed without the proper support, such as a load-bearing wall, it could collapse under excess weight. This weight could come from air ducts, water pipes, or even errant construction equipment such as a falling beam. What types of injuries could be caused by a roof collapse? Depending on the height a worker falls from, the injuries will vary in severity. At best, they might

Physical, sexual, and emotional abuse in nursing homes

According to the  National Council on Aging , about 1 in 10 nursing home residents over the age of 60 have experienced some form of abuse in nursing homes. It is essential to be aware of the various types of abuse older adults experience in nursing homes to protect vulnerable residents better. Of the seven basic types of elder abuse that, unfortunately, are common in American nursing homes, physical, sexual, and emotional or psychological abuse, is the most prevalent. Neglect, abandonment, financial exploitation, and self-neglect are the other four types. Thousands of elderly Americans are psychologically and physically abused by their caretakers each year, but knowing the signs of these abuses can prevent it and protect your loved ones. Physical abuse is one common form of mistreatment that the elderly experience at the hands of their trusted caretakers. They might get physically injured either by intentional or unintentional methods; sometimes, a caretaker is negligent in the way

Common nursing home infections

A 2004 National Nursing Home Survey found that nearly 1.5 million elderly Americans live in about 16,000 nursing homes. With crowded nursing homes comes an increased potential of harmful infections spreading. Because the elderly generally have diminished immune systems and because surgery can sometimes cause more harm than good, the spread of an infection could be disastrous in a nursing home. This article outlines the most common infections found in nursing homes and the ways to prevent and treat them. Often, residents who are moved from one home to another or who were just transferred from a hospital are carriers of diseases unknown to their new nursing home. The most common nursing home infections are: Respiratory infections like pneumonia and influenza Pneumonia is the leading cause of death in nursing home residents, with residents using feeding tubes being at the highest risk of developing it. Elderly patients may manifest symptoms of pneumonia differently than younger patien

Scaffolding accidents on construction sites

Scaffolding is designed to provide construction workers with a safe way to access hard-to-reach parts of the building they’re constructing, painting, or repairing. It’s a common sight in a growing city such as New York, where thousands of construction workers ascend scaffolding each day. But if the scaffolding was erected incorrectly, or a worker was improperly trained, a worker could get hurt. Regardless of the specifics of the incident that led to the worker’s injury, they are always entitled to worker’s compensation if they can prove that they were injured on the job site while they were working. But if someone else’s negligence was a factor in the accident, the worker may also be able to file a civil suit to win additional compensation. How do scaffolding accidents happen? Scaffolding accidents usually occur because: There were inadequate protections in place to prevent falls, Materials were overloaded and added excess weight to the scaffolding, The scaffolding was construct

6 Reasons Why A Personal Injury Lawyer Will Not Take Your Case

Hiring a personal injury lawyer to sue the owner of a store where you slipped on a wet floor and suffered an injury may not be as easy as you think. The free consultation you use to decide whether to hire a lawyer is also a chance for the lawyer to decide whether to take your case. Here are six reasons why a personal injury attorney in New York may refuse to take your case. You waited too long before going to a lawyer States prefer that you make a claim for compensation as soon as possible after an accident. If you suffer an injury due to the fault of another party, you have a limited amount of time to sue for damages. Lawyers call this a “statute of limitations.” The statute of limitations for some personal injury cases is three years in New York. You may have less time to sue if negligent medical care caused your injuries. Lawyers will refuse a case with an expired or close to expiring statute of limitations. Avoid problems by consulting with a lawyer as soon as you realize you

Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents in New York City

  As one of the most populous cities in the world, New York’s streets are clogged with pedestrians and motorists day and night. Because the two are constantly in close proximity, accidents happen frequently, and often with devastating results.  Among the possible causes of pedestrian accidents in New York City, some of the most common include: Speeding — Drivers often strike child pedestrians when they are going too fast through residential areas. Failure to Maintain Vehicle — Drivers may cause crashes because they did not properly maintain their vehicles, causing sudden mechanical issues. Defective Highways — Governmental entities could be responsible for some accidents caused by dangerous highways. Failure to Obey Traffic Signs or Lights — Drivers often strike pedestrians when they do not acknowledge traffic lights or signs. Distracted Driving — Drivers may not see pedestrians when they are distracted by cell phones, climate controls, or in-vehicle navigation sys

How is a slip and fall accident different from a trip and fall?

If you were hurt in a slip, trip, or fall accident in New York City, you could be owed significant compensation if someone else’s negligence caused you to get hurt. First, it is important to learn the definitions of both a trip and a slip. A slip and fall accident occurs when a person loses traction with the ground, causing their foot to slide out from underneath them. Usually, they fall backward and might sustain injuries to their back, neck, back of the head, or hip. Wet, icy, or slippery surfaces put people at risk of slipping. Additionally, a person could slip on any number of objects scattered on the ground like beads or salt. In contrast, when a person trips, it is because an object on the floor blocked their path. You might trip over uneven floorings such as broken tile or a cracked sidewalk, hazards that were concealed by poor lighting, or random objects left on the floor. When the plaintiff trips, they usually fall forward. This forward motion could result in injuries to the

Types of Paralysis

There are 33 vertebrae in the human vertebral column, and paralysis often stems from spinal cord injuries to particular regions. In general, injuries to the cervical vertebrae (C1-C7) are far more likely to cause paralysis than injuries to other spinal cord regions. High-cervical nerve (C1-C4) injuries often cause paralysis in the arms, hands, or legs, but they can also cause difficulty breathing or controlling bowel or bladder movements. Low-cervical nerve (C5-C7) injuries could affect a person’s ability to control their arms and hands. Thoracic vertebrae (T1-T12) injuries to the vertebrae in the upper back (T1-T5) can result in people possibly being confined to wheelchairs. Still, most injuries to the middle of the back (T6-T12) allow people to retain the use of hands and arms and possibly walk again with braces. Lumbar Vertebrae (L1-L5) injuries may also result in wheelchairs in a limited number of cases, but most victims can walk again with braces. Paralysis is often the result

Burn Injuries Caused by Fires

A severe burn suffered in a fire can be a particularly devastating type of injury. They can be extremely painful and can have a lasting impact on the victim. Burns often require extensive treatment, rehabilitation, and could leave the victim with restricted movement as well as scarring and disfigurement in severe cases. Burn injuries caused by fires are usually thermal burns, and burn injuries are typically classified by degrees. The three most common degrees include: First-Degree Burns — A superficial burn involving damage to only the epidermis, which is the outermost layer of skin. First-degree burns cause mild pain and often heal on their own in a matter of days, with sunburn being the most common example of a first-degree burn. Second-Degree Burns — A superficial partial-thickness burn that involves damage to both the epidermis and the dermis, the layer of skin below the epidermis. A second-degree burn can cause blisters and possible scarring. Skin grafting could be require

Escalator Injuries: How Do They Happen?

If an escalator is defective, poorly maintained, or otherwise unsafe for use, innocent people could be severely hurt or killed. Some of the most common types of injuries that occur on escalators include: Neck injuries Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)  Cuts or l acerations Broken bones or fractures Internal organ injuries Other types of elevator or escalator accident injuries could include possible entanglement injuries such as choking hazards caused by clothing or body parts being caught in machinery. Some people may also suffer electrocution injuries in some cases. Escalator accidents can happen anywhere, at any time. Escalators are commonly found at:   Shopping malls Amusement Parks Hotels and Resorts Office Buildings Movie Theaters An important thing that you can do after an elevator or escalator accident is to take pictures of everything at your accident scene. If there is a clear issue with the safety of an escalator or elevator, try to get as many photographs as y

What you need to know about toxic mold

Mold is a relatively common occurrence in homes and buildings, especially in dark, damp areas such as basements and bathrooms. Generally, the presence of mold is harmless, if unsightly. But certain types of mold, if present in large enough amounts, can pose a health risk to people living or working in that building. This could give rise to a premises liability or workers’ compensation case. What type of mold is harmful? Chances are, you’ve spotted at least a tiny bit of mold in your own bathroom. This won’t cause you any harm. But two well-known types of mold can potentially be dangerous if they are present in high concentrations. The first is Stachybotrys chartarum, or black mold. Black mold usually grows after a building has been flooded because it needs constant hydration to flourish, according to the  CDC . Black mold can be toxigenic, meaning it releases toxins from its spores. For someone with preexisting health conditions, these toxins could take a severe toll. The second ty

The dangers of driving while drowsy

According to a 2016  study by the AAA  Foundation for Traffic Safety, car crashes caused by drowsy drivers are eight times higher than the previously accepted national estimate. AAA conducted the study by analyzing dashcam footage of 700 average American drivers. Drowsy driving tends to be an underreported cause of car accidents because it can be hard to document and to prove. Jake Nelson, the director of Traffic Safety Advocacy and Research for AAA, said, “Missing just two to three hours of sleep can more than quadruple your risk for a crash, which is the equivalent of driving drunk.” A AAA Foundation survey found that nearly 29% of American drivers recently drove while they were almost too tired to keep their eyes open. Being aware of the fact that you’re overly tired and can’t keep your eyes open is an important factor in keeping yourself and others safe on the road. If you notice that you keep drifting from your lane or can’t remember the last few miles you have driven, you shoul

Neck and back injuries commonly suffered in car accidents

The back and the neck are the two parts of the body that are most commonly injured in car accidents. Unfortunately, damage to these areas can result in severe trauma to the spinal cord, sometimes leaving the victim with long-lasting health problems. According to an article from  Chirotrust , between 40-70% of whiplash victims continue experiencing symptoms of trauma even a decade after the accident. Whiplash When the head and the trunk of your body move forcefully in opposite directions, this sometimes results in whiplash. It is extremely common in rear-end car accidents when the body is unexpectedly jolted forward but the head snaps back. The neck, caught between these two oppositely moving parts, experiences extreme stress and is subject to injury. Additionally, when your head is jolted like this, your brain might collide with your skull, causing contusions or a TBI. Lumbar sprains When ligaments are torn from their attachments in the lower back, this results in lumbar sprains. L

Hernia mesh recalls, complications, and lawsuits

A hernia mesh is a surgical implant made of synthetic plastic fibers used to support damaged tissue around hernias and help it heal after surgery. In about  90% of hernia surgeries , doctors employ hernia mesh to aid the recovery process, but a number of allegations and lawsuits have surfaced that claim hernia mesh may cause more damage than it’s worth. Oftentimes, if a patient experiences complications because of their hernia mesh implant, another surgery is required to correct the problem or remove the mesh. The hernia mesh is implanted on and around the damaged hernia tissue with staples, stitches, or glue. The mesh quality of the medical device allows the tissue to grow in and around it as it heals and is meant to lower the risk of a recurring hernia. According to the  FDA , the most common complications associated with hernia mesh are pain, infection, hernia recurrence, adhesion, and bowel obstruction. In more severe cases, patients reported sepsis, punctured abdominal organs, p

What you need to know about defective food products

When people think of defective products, automobile parts and medical devices are often the first things that come to mind. But defective food products pose a risk to consumers as well.  Because a piece of food is technically a product that is sold to a consumer, the manufacturer of that product has a responsibility to ensure its quality. Some common problems with food products include:  Foreign materials in food – Naturally, consumers have a right to expect that the food products they buy will be free from foreign and harmful materials. Foodborne illness and food poisoning, caused by bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella. If a restaurant or food manufacturer fails to meet safety standards, their food may be compromised. This can happen when employees fail to wash their hands, when bugs and rodents are present in the kitchen, or if refrigerated food stays out for too long.  Symptoms of food poisoning may not manifest themselves for days after a person consumes the defective foo

What is a robotically-assisted surgical device, and is it safe?

According to the  FDA , robotically assisted surgical devices allow doctors and surgeons to use computer software to direct surgical instruments via robotic arms. Robotic surgical systems, such as the da Vinci surgical system, usually accomplish the surgery with less invasive incisions and the patient recovers more quickly, but reports suggest that the surgery is not as effective long-term as traditional methods. Reporting from the  New York Times  reveals that the da Vinci surgical system was approved for sale on the market in 2000 by the FDA’s 510(k) premarket notification process. This process allows the sale and use of medical devices without substantial clinical trials or safety testing as long as the device is “substantially similar” to a device already on the market. According to the FDA, robotically assisted surgical devices are cleared for cardiac, colorectal, gynecologic, head and neck, thoracic and urologic surgical procedures. The device can also be used for removal of th

What constitutes reckless driving in New York?

According to New York State law, reckless driving is defined as using a motor vehicle in a manner which unreasonably interferes with the proper use of the public roadways or endangers other drivers. Reckless driving is a misdemeanor and carries a $300 fine and 30 days in jail time for a first offense. The penalties of driving recklessly with a commercial driver’s license are even more severe and may result in the license being revoked. But what exactly counts as reckless driving? What should you do if you were hurt because of someone else’s reckless driving? This article will give you the basic information you need to know about this New York traffic violation. The following is a list of actions that may constitute reckless driving: Weaving in and out of lanes Speeding far above the limit Making a quick turn with no signal Abruptly braking with no reasonable cause Wrong-way driving down a one-way street Failing to stop or yield when prompted Distracted driving Road rage Rac

How Dangerous is Lead Paint?

The dangers of lead paint have been well documented, and we know that it is not safe for either children or adults. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , no safe blood lead level in children has been identified and childhood lead exposure must be prevented before any harm occurs. The CDC refers to two forms of prevention that include primary prevention, or the removal of lead hazards from the environment before a child can be exposed, and secondary prevention, such as blood lead testing and follow-up. The National Surveillance Data from the CDC, which shows state-level blood lead test data summarized by state, year, and blood lead level (BLL) group, found that Oklahoma had a total population of 318,998 children under 72 months of age in 2017, but only 52,454 of that group of children, or 16.4 percent, were tested for lead poisoning. There were 538 children with confirmed BLLs of 5 µg/dL or greater (1.0 percent) and 141 children with confirmed BLLs of 10