Negligent Truck Maintenance

Improper Truck Maintenance

New York ranked among the ten states with the highest average of fatal truck crashes from 2014-2106, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Association (FMCSA). While trucking accidents can happen for a wide variety of reasons, one of the most concerning for others on the road is improper maintenance.

Truck drivers, trucking companies, and the third-party maintenance companies they hire all have a responsibility to ensure that these large, heavy vehicles and their systems are in proper working order before allowing them to hit the road.

A simple inspection is often the difference between a safe trip and a severe injury or fatal tractor-trailer accident.  Some of the most common causes of accidents caused by improper maintenance include: 

  • Brake failure
  • Tire blowouts
  • Headlight failures and broken taillights
  • Defective fifth-wheel couplings
  • Faulty mirrors
  • Steering malfunction
  • Lack of reflective tape

Trucking companies are required by FMCSA regulations (Section 396.3 – Inspection, Repairs, and Maintenance) to:

“Inspect, repair, maintain, and keep suitable records for all vehicles subject to its control for30 consecutive days or more, or cause another party to perform such activities. The motor carrier is solely responsible for ensuring that the vehicles under its control are in safe operating condition and that defects have been corrected.”

Trucking companies are required to put their fleet through systematic inspections and maintenance schedules, but the FMCSA does not specify which intervals they need to follow since they are usually fleet-specific and oftentimes vehicle-specific. The regulations clearly state that trucking companies must perform this work routinely and regularly, and if they fail to do so, they could be held accountable for crashes caused by improper maintenance.

Contact a New York Truck Accident Lawyer

If you or someone close to you suffered severe injuries in a truck accident that was caused by failure to inspect or maintain the vehicle, you could be owed significant compensation. The trucking company, third party maintenance company, or another entity could be liable or share liability for the crash and the harm you’ve suffered as a result.

When someone’s negligence causes you harm, Hach & Rose, LLP will be there to help. Let our team of experienced New York truck accident attorneys get you the answers, compensation, and justice that you deserve. We have extensive experience handling these types of cases, so contact us to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation right away. You can reach us any time, day or night, when you call (212) 779-0057, fill out a contact form, or chat with us live.


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