What To Do If You’re In A Motorcycle Accident in New York

Motorcycles are associated with a number of known risks in New York City. Riders have less physical protection, are more difficult for other drivers on the road to identify, and are operating more complex types of vehicles. According to a 2015 study from the Department of Transportation, the fatal collision rate for motorcycle riders in New York City is almost twice as much as in New York State. The most common type of collision resulting in the fatality of a motorcycle rider was one involving another vehicle.

An average mid-size sedan can weigh roughly 3,350 pounds, while the average motorcycle weighs only 400 pounds. Because of these factors, even a seemingly minor collision for a mid-size sedan could result in devastating injuries for a motorcycle rider.

While it is impossible to control how other drivers behave, here are a few simple safety measures that motorcyclists can follow to minimize risks on the road: 

  • Carefully follow all traffic laws, and do not drive aggressively
  • Make sure to inspect your bike and protective gear before a ride
  • Always wear appropriate safety gear, including a helmet and vision-protection

However, even if every driver on the road were to follow all traffic laws, accidents would still happen. In the event of a motorcycle accident, there are a few critical steps that should be immediately followed:

  • Make sure that everyone is safe and out of the roadway. If needed, seek medical attention for any injured parties.
  • Collect contact information, including names, addresses, phone numbers, license numbers, and insurance information from all involved drivers.
  • Never verbally admit to being at fault.
  • Contact the police as soon as possible to file a detailed report. Make sure to record the names and badge numbers of any responding officers.
  • Try to remember your surroundings, and immediately make a personal account of what took place. Details are critical for determining liability in vehicle collisions.
  • Collect as much information as possible from witnesses present during the accident.
  • Contact your insurance company to make a detailed report of the accident.

Seek Help From a New York Motorcycle Accident Attorney 

If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a motorcycle accident because of a reckless or negligent driver, you deserve to be fairly compensated for your losses. Many motorcyclists believe that choosing to undertake the risks of driving a motorcycle means that they do not deserve compensation for injuries if they are in an accident. However, our attorneys at Hach & Rose, LLP will fight for you. Our experienced legal team will do everything possible to hold the responsible parties accountable for their negligence.

The team at Hach & Rose, LLP, recently helped a motorcycle injury victim secure over $8 million for her losses, and we are ready to put this experience to work for you. To learn more about what our team can do to help you if you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, call us today at (212) 779-0057.


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