Bicyclist safety on the road and steps to take in case of an accident

If you ride your bicycle in and around New York City, chances are you have either seen someone else get hit or have almost been hit by a vehicle yourself. If you happen to be the victim of a collision, this post will also tell you what your next steps should be.

Bicycle safety tips

AAA offers some tips to keep in mind when riding your bike to reduce your risk of collision. 

Always wear a helmet

New York state law does not require adults to wear bicycle helmets, but studies have shown that having that extra piece of protection may reduce your risk for injury in case of an accident. Children under the age of 14 are required by state law always to wear a helmet when on a bicycle. 

Abide by traffic laws

You must ride with the flow of traffic, use turn signals, and abide by stoplights. When possible, use bike lanes and crosswalks, but do not ride on sidewalks. 

Use the entire lane when turning

When possible, try to take up enough space in a turning lane, so drivers are aware that you are there, and so that they won’t overtake you and potentially hit you. If you are turning left, try staying to the right side of the lane, then, once you have made the turn, move quickly to the right shoulder so cars can pass you if they need to. 

What to do if you have been involved in a bicycle crash

Below are some helpful tips if you’ve been hurt in a crash:

Report it the accident

According to the New York State Department of Transportation, if you were involved in a collision with a vehicle that occurred in severe injury or death, you must report it to the Department of Motor Vehicles within ten days of the incident. 

Do not speak with the driver’s insurance company

There is no reason why the victim should need to be in contact with the insurance company of the car driver. That’s what a personal injury attorney is for. The insurance company will try to weaken your case and give you as little money as possible. 

Hire a lawyer

New York’s “no-fault” law covers the victim’s medical bills regardless of whose fault the accident was. However, if the bicyclist was seriously injured and their medical bills exceed $50,000, then they have the right to file a personal injury claim against the driver for more compensation. A personal injury attorney can help guide you through the process of filing a claim. 

If you have been the victim of a bicycle accident, reach out to an experienced New York bike accident lawyer at Hach & Rose, LLP. We will fight to get you the compensation you deserve. Call us at (212) 779-0057 for a free consultation today.


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