Types of Paralysis

There are 33 vertebrae in the human vertebral column, and paralysis often stems from spinal cord injuries to particular regions. In general, injuries to the cervical vertebrae (C1-C7) are far more likely to cause paralysis than injuries to other spinal cord regions.

High-cervical nerve (C1-C4) injuries often cause paralysis in the arms, hands, or legs, but they can also cause difficulty breathing or controlling bowel or bladder movements. Low-cervical nerve (C5-C7) injuries could affect a person’s ability to control their arms and hands.

Thoracic vertebrae (T1-T12) injuries to the vertebrae in the upper back (T1-T5) can result in people possibly being confined to wheelchairs. Still, most injuries to the middle of the back (T6-T12) allow people to retain the use of hands and arms and possibly walk again with braces. Lumbar Vertebrae (L1-L5) injuries may also result in wheelchairs in a limited number of cases, but most victims can walk again with braces.

Paralysis is often the result of a complete spinal cord injury, which is a complete severance of the spinal cord. Complete spinal cord injuries include:

  • paraplegia (paralysis of the legs and the lower half of the body)
  • tetraplegia or quadriplegia (paralysis of all limbs)
  • triplegia (paralysis of one arm and both legs)
  • hemiplegia (paralysis of one arm and one leg on the same side of the body)
  • monoplegia (paralysis of one arm or one leg)

The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation estimates that high tetraplegia (C1-C4) injuries carry average costs of $1,064,716 for the first year and $184,891 each subsequent year, low tetraplegia (C5-C8) injuries carry average costs of $769,351 for the first year and $113,423 each subsequent year, and paraplegia injuries carry average costs of $518,904 for the first year and $68,739 each subsequent year.

Contact a New York Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

Did you or a loved one become paralyzed due to someone else’s negligence in New York? If so, you have the right to hold the responsible party accountable for the impact your injuries will have on your life. Your ability to work and support yourself, as well as the ability to enjoy life as you once did, might be permanently affected by this accident, and you deserve justice and fair compensation.

The New York spinal cord injury lawyers of Hach & Rose, LLP will be committed to doing everything we can to get you justice. You can have us answer all of your legal questions when you call (212) 779-0057 or contact us online to receive a free consultation.


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