What Every Woman Needs To Know About the Mirena Crash

Almost 4.5 million women in the U.S. use an intrauterine device or IUD as their preferred method of birth control. Its popularity is second only to birth control pills.
Mirena, the most prescribed IUD in New York and throughout the country, may cause side effects referred to as the Mirena Crash.
Types of IUDs
An IUD is a device a doctor places in a patient’s uterus that is held in place by the cervix. The plastic, T-shaped device prevents a woman from becoming pregnant. There are two types of IUDs: non-hormonal and hormonal.
- A non-hormonal IUD has a copper coating that kills sperm before it reaches and fertilizes an egg. Non-hormonal IUDs may remain in place for as long as 10 years before being replaced.
- Mirena is a brand of IUD containing a hormone instead of copper. Hormonal IUDs work by releasing progesterone into the body of the user. Mirena uses a synthetic form of progesterone.
The hormone causes mucus in the cervix to thicken while causing thinning of the lining of the uterus. The effect of the hormone on the body prevents fertilization. Once placed by a physician, the Mirena device may remain in place for up to five years.
Possible side effects when using a Mirena IUD
Although it has proven to be 99% effective in preventing pregnancy, the company that produces Mirena reports that users may experience the following side effects:
· Bleeding, pain or dizziness during or after placement of the device
· Device coming out after placement
· A small percentage of users stopped having periods
· Bleeding and spotting
· Heavier than normal bleeding
· Development of ovarian cysts
Some users may develop infections, pelvic inflammatory disease or perforation of the uterus. Perforation may occur if the device attaches to or goes through the wall of the uterus. This may cause scarring or infection requiring surgical removal of the device.
What is the Mirena Crash?
If a doctor removes Mirena because a woman has side effects or simply wants to stop using it as a birth control method, it may cause symptoms referred to as the Mirena Crash. The symptoms associated with removal of the device may include the following:
· Insomnia
· Nausea
· Depression
· Mood swings
· Fatigue
· Anxiety
· Irritability
· Weight gain
· Hair loss
· Reduced sex drive
· Sore breasts
· Lack of interest in normal activities
· Migraines
· Acne
Predictions about how long the symptoms of the Mirena Crash may last vary from woman to woman. It may last for only a few days, or it may continue for several months after removal of the IUD.
Causes of the Mirena Crash
Mirena IUDs work by releasing a synthetic form of the hormone progesterone. A woman’s body reacts to the placement of the device by shutting down its natural production of progesterone. The sudden removal of the device and its synthetic progesterone the body depended upon causes a hormonal imbalance.
The symptoms associated with a Mirena Crash may happen until a woman’s body begins producing hormones to replace what it depended upon from the IUD. The length of time it takes to restore hormonal balance varies, so it is difficult to predict how long the Mirena Crash may last.
Physicians have been reluctant to acknowledge a link between the Mirena Crash and removal of the device. They point to a lack of scientific evidence connecting the physical and emotional symptoms experienced by former users to removal of the device. The women who report having those symptoms disagree.
What should women do to cope with a Mirena Crash?
Women who believe they may be suffering from the Mirena Crash should speak to a doctor about their symptoms. The following recommendations may help with some of the symptoms of a Mirena Crash:
· Avoid smoking
· Reduce alcohol consumption
· Reduce consumption of sugar
· Engage in daily exercise
· Eat healthy foods
A woman experiencing uncontrolled bleeding, high fever or suicidal thoughts should seek immediate medical treatment at an emergency department of a local hospital.
Women take Mirena maker to court
Claims have been made against Bayer, the maker of the Mirena IUD, for injuries suffered by women who used the device. Lawsuits filed in federal court in New York claim the device causes a neurological disorder and seek compensation for woman injured by it. Numerous complaints about other injuries related to use of Mirena have been reported to the Food and Drug Administration.
If you suffer an injury or experience Mirena Crash or other side effects related to use of a Mirena IUD, you may be entitled compensation. A consultation with a New York personal injury lawyer may provide you with options about how to proceed.
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