Work Site Table Saw Injuries

In New York, every year, more than 10 percent of all workers on a construction project will suffer an injury that results in lost time from work or a permanent disability. One reason for the high rate of injuries is the dangerous equipment required on building sites. One of the most dangerous is an unguarded table saw.

Industrial table saws were designed for use on a level ground, with a safety guard covering the moving saw blade. Experienced workers know, however, that the ground on a typical building site is rarely level and the safety guarding on the table saw is usually missing. The most common table saw accident happens when the wood “kicks back” towards the worker. This unexpected and sudden movement causes the worker’s hands to jerk forward and strike the spinning teeth of the unguarded saw blade. The worker has no time to prevent catastrophe. An unguarded table saw is an accident waiting to happen.

Mauricio Garcia was such a worker. He was injured by an unguarded table saw at a work site, Brooklyn, New York. He worked for a company for a period of approximately one year as a laborer. While making a thru-cut, the wood suddenly kicked back and Mauricio’s hand came into contact with the unguarded blade. He sustained a bad laceration to his left hand involving the median nerve. The workplace injury attorneys at Hach & Rose, LLP were able to recover $325,000 for him without the necessity of a trial. For advice on your specific circumstances, contact us at (212) 779-0057 today.


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