Wrong-Way Collision Kills Three, Injures Two in Rochester

Three people died, and two were seriously injured in a wrong-way collision on Tuesday, Aug. 18, on eastbound Interstate 90 in Rochester. The New York State Police released the identities of those involved on Tuesday, according to My Twin Tiers.

Charles Bargerstock, 81, was the wrong-way driver who died at the scene. He had been reported missing from Ohio the day before the accident after he failed to show up at a doctor’s appointment and then never returned to his residence in Ohio. Himel A. Joy, 24, and Mojammal H. Rasel, 30, both from Astoria, also died in the accident.

NYSP reported that Bargerstock entered I-90 eastbound the wrong way at about 1:30 a.m. Tuesday morning. A semi-truck driver driving east spotted Bargerstock driving the wrong way and pulled over to avoid crashing into him. Right after the semi-truck pulled over, Bargerstock slammed head-on into the car driven by Rasel.

The car driven by Rasel also carried Joy and two other occupants, Moshin Ahmed, 23, and Kenedy Ape, 18, who were also Astoria residents. Ahmed and Ape were transported to Strong Memorial Hospital, where Ahmed remains in “guarded condition,” and Ape is in “satisfactory condition.”

The Stow Police Department issued a “be on the lookout” or BOLO the day before, for Bargerstock, when he did not appear for his scheduled appointment. Officials have not released any more details about the 81-year-old’s condition, such as if he had dementia or another mental condition. They also have not confirmed why Bargerstock would drive from Ohio to Rochester, New York.

All eastbound lanes of I-90 between exit 43 and exit 44 were closed while police investigated, but they have since reopened.

A New York Car Accident Attorney Can Help

Car accidents are devastating and can leave you feeling at a loss for what to do next. A skilled car accident injury lawyer will guide you through every step you need to take following your accident. The legal team at Hach & Rose, LLP will handle your case with the passion and rigor it deserves. In March 2020, alone, there were over 20,000 people involved in car accidents in New York City. Two of those people died, and another 1,408 were injured. If you were in a car accident, you deserve representation that will advocate relentlessly for your rights.

If you have been injured in a car accident that was caused by someone else’s mistake, you might be entitled to substantial monetary compensation. The car accident attorneys at Hach & Rose, LLP have won millions of dollars in compensation for our clients in the past and are prepared to do the same for you. If you were injured, please do not hesitate to reach out to the experienced legal team at (212) 779-0057 for a free consultation. Or, contact us online anytime. We’re ready to help.


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